Monday, August 16, 2010

Future of the Internet

Internet is taking its shape as the time is progressing.
Starting from American military background, it is now controlling the whole world. Millions of users and almost all organizations are now connected. They share their ideas regarding various fields daily through internet. Each idea is leading to some new technology.

Now Wireless fidelity modems are available. Number of wires is getting less and less. Not to surprise anybody, Internet is on the mobile. Various mobiles are available through which we can access internet. But this is also leading to severe security attacks. According to the survey more than 10 percent various society members believe that their will be at least one severe attack per decade.
  • Education.
  • Workplaces
  • Medicine and health care
  • Politics and government
  • Music, literature, drama, film and arts
etc. all will see a drastic change which will lead to benefit of each field.
Distance learning and self paced study will be easier to impart and pursue. Decentralized kind of organization will come into vicinity. Hospitals and organization will be easier to manage. It will change the way clinician communicate with each other. Government will be forced to become increasingly transparent and accessible over the net. The world will get a nervous system in the form of internet. This will bring people allover the world closer. International relationship will certainly become better. Family, colleagues, friends all have communicated much more as compared to lost art of written correspondence and voice.

Billing, transfer of funds, e-ticketing, apply for loans, ATM all saves time. But there are cons as well .internet banking can sometime be drastic if the e-message, password etc is decrypted by somebody. Lots of money can be lost. However, e-banking is supposed to be more secure than manual banking. Same is the case with e-currency. E-currency is much more secure than paper currency.

The most important thing regarding internet speed is bandwidth. Research is always on to increase the bandwidth. At present speed up to 54 GBPS is possible. This speed is certainly going to get better.

Speed and accuracy are two things which are important for success. As far as internet is concerned it is accurate and the speed as well as bandwidth is always increasing.

Various sites like that for job searching, chatting, shopping carts etc. are available. No. of website is increasing day by day. Sites like hotmail, yahoo etc can be compared with mall since we can search for anything. Hence internet is a future tool which will dominate the upcoming generations

Web Application Setting in ASP.NET Global.asax

You will really find storing the ASP application settings in the global asax file to be more than helpful. It really makes the use of application start method as well as the global property application. The application property for the HTTPcontextclass returns the httpapplicationstateobject when the user request for the ASP page through the HTTP request. The HTTPappplicationstateobject allows sharing of the global parameters during multiple sessions and request for the application.
It is really very hectic to define again and again the web application parameters like data source, initial catalog etc. hence most of the programmers find it really easy to define them once inside the global.asax file and use it again and again during various sessions.
I would like to provide you the code which will explain the above.
Protected void Application_start( object sender, eventArgs e)
Application["pass"]= "pass";
Application ["name"] ="cooldb";
Application ["server"] = "myoffice.db.server";
String myConnString= "Data Source=" + Application ["server"] +"; initial catalog=" + application ["name"] +"; UserId=" + Application ["name"] +"; Password="+ Application ["pass"] +";
Application [ConnString] =myConnString;
It is clear for the above code that when the web application starts then the application object will contain the value of the parameter and you can access them on the page within your application.
The above code is written in CSharp. However you cannot say that this is any new technique. If you have done even a little bit of programming, even if you are familiar with the windows application then you will know that it is the common practice to assign the values to these parameters once and then use the connection string throughout the project. The word Global has been used and it is quiet similar to the global variable. It just makes it sure that you can use it again and again. For example here once you initialize these global parameters you will not need to do it again and again.
You can see how it has been used in the code below.
Private void page_load (object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    SqlConnection myCNN;
    SqlCommand myCMD;
     SqlDataReader myReader;
     myCNN= new Sqlconnection ((string) Application ["connsrting"]);
     myCMD=new Sqlcommand ("select * from company",myCNN);;
     // set of commands
     mycNN.close ();
You would really want to know the advantage and disadvantage of the global.asax in storing the global parameters. I must say that the real advantage lies in the pact that these complex parameters are assigned the value once inside the global.asax file and used again and again without much change. If you want to change the value of some parameter then it will require the recompilation and you will have to change the value inside the global.asx file. This is really a good asset and you will really find it very helpful during coding.

What Is ASP Hosting

The ASP hosting is the server side environment which uses the active server pages (ASP) technology. The ASP hosting is basically done on the windows server which can be an NT server.  It can be also done on the fully integrated internet information server. The fundamentals of the ASP are the same as the Java server pages or the JSP and CGI which allows the use of databases and the programs in the web servers. You can easily identify the ASP web page by the extension .aspx. All the ASP web page ends up with this extension.

The ASP hosting works in a similar way as the other server side technology. When the web browser sends the request to the web server, then the server runs some scripting code and sends back the required webpage to the web browser which ultimately displays it. Hence you should keep it in your mind that it is the web server which does all the processing and sends back the HTML page to the browser for display.

ASP hosting provides the platform for the web developers to check out their creativity and design as different web solution. You as a web developer can use different Microsoft technologies to build up a very good and dynamic web page which may turn out to be very powerful.

I am telling from the start that the ASP hosting can be done on the windows server only. However if you underestimate some of the compatibility issues then the ASP hosting is also possible on the UNIX server. You can use the technologies like Chili ASP which can make it possible. But you will have to sacrifice some of the very important and valiant features of the ASP.

The ASP host providers must make sure that the developers who are going for the ASP.NET websites have required technical support who have the knowledge of the ASP.NET. I would really like to add that you should understand the term web host clearly. You should also understand that ASP hosting is also an example of web hosting. However you will find out that the ASP.NET websites will turn out to be more costly than the PHP.

The Asp hosting is good for those who want to use the Microsoft technology to build very powerful websites which is dynamic and has added features. You should also keep in mind that it is great for the use of the ASP technologies. You will definitely find added features as far as the ASP.NET is concerned. You will definitely come to know that if not better then ASP.NET is also not far behind the PHP and the ASP hosting provides the great platform for the ASP.NET websites.

Java vs. ASP.NET

Java and are two programming standards which have really seen hype as far as the present market is concerned. You will find a number of programmers in both the languages and you will definitely lack a clear decision whether which is better java or ASP.NET. You will definitely find that both of them are better in their respective field. 

I am not telling that the java is not used for web application. It is definitely used in building the web application. Java has the real pleasure of being used in different sectors. That is why java is really able to capture the software industry very quickly. However as far as the is concerned it is only used for building the dynamic database oriented websites in no time. It uses all the Microsoft products.

ASP uses the IIS which runs on the other Microsoft server. The ASP.NET provides maximum security than the other cheap languages. In other words you can say that the websites which are made in ASP.NET are more secure than any other language.
As far as the freelancing is concerned you will definitely find both the languages in great demand. But the difference lies as far as the cost, security, authenticity and multiple usability is concerned.

If you want to prepare the desktop application then you will definitely look for the technology like ASP.NET. This allows you to simply drag and drop the components which are quiet easy. You will definitely find it to be very a fast process because most of the coding is done automatically. You have got the ample technology to design the back end and you can really come up with some great designs.

The user interface is not so easy to implement as far as the java is concerned. However you will definitely find it time consuming to build it on java. Meanwhile you will find that it is quiet easy to make it on the ASP.NET. You will definitely end up making three or four web applications in the time where the other person using java will prepare one.
In building the software you will find that you need to implement some properties like scalability, platform independency etc. this is really the case with all the software. Hence if you want them to be implemented in a better way then you will have to go for the language which is none other than java.

You would definitely like your software or the web application which you make to be database independent. You will definitely find that java is database compatible. However you cannot say the same thing about the ASP.NET. It is really not database compatible.

Hence you will definitely find that there are some features which are better in java whereas there are some features which are better in ASP.NET. I will really stick with ASP.NET as far as the web application is concerned. However you will find java to be more versatile as far as software development is concerned.