Sunday, December 11, 2011

Best Resume Writing SEO Tips for Job Hunt

Most of us realize the importance of a good resume, but very few of us are actually able to manage one. Most of the times, we tend to copy a format from the internet and paste our details on it. What we tend to ignore is that specific jobs require specific resumes. So, a resume format, which would be perfect for the post of Account officer, may not go for the post of HMO administrator.

The following are a few important aspects in regard to preparation of a perfect resume:

1. Font styles
Unlike what most people think, font styles do make an impact; and as it is, the first thing which strikes the employer, before he/she actually goes through your resume. Now, as it is, different font styles suit different job profiles. Now, since it is the most important aspect, you will have to do some research. Discuss the various font styles with people belonging to the sector, in which you wish to enter. Eg. If you want to get a job of a software programmer, then you can look for people around you, who are in the same sector and discuss with them as to what font style you should use.

2. Title
The title is another important aspect of your resume. As it is, the title of your resume can be quite effective in grabbing the attention of your prospective employer. It should therefore, make a statement in brief, as to how, recruiting you would be beneficial to the organization. Here, the choice of words, which you use, plays a very important role. Make sure that your job title is not too long and also, it should be from the perspective of the employer i.e. as to what you have to offer to the employer and how he/she can make use of it.

3. Format
Now, the format of your resume too makes an impact as well. You must know, as to what things come first, what comes next and what should be mentioned in the end. Here to, you will have to do a bit of research. Go through the internet, and surf through the various formats and decide as to what format suits your resume the best. Typically, a good resume would start with the title objective, followed by your main points, which may either be your educational qualification, or your work experience, or any other thing, which should distinguish you from the rest, and projects you as the right candidate for the particular post.

As it is, a resume is not just an accompaniment to your application for a particular job, but it is a statement on your behalf and makes several explicit as well as implicit remarks about you. It is therefore essential that your resume should be in best coherence with the requirements of the job.


  1. Hi Rajesh,

    You are right! The resume is only for job seeker's first appearance. First Appearance is the best appearance you know. Good post! Keep it up!

  2. thanks for the tips it's so useful for resume writing.

  3. optimizing the resume is always good, as the competition getting higher and higher day by day you need to put extra efforts to kill you optimization and optimization is best way to get noticed by recruiters

    resume format
