Sunday, June 17, 2012

How To Use Pinterest To Grow Your Online Presence

Every organization tries to maintain their online presence in order to expand business their business. Web world is one of the best ways for how to use pinterest to grow your online presence. Pinteresting is a way to encourage people about to know about your business. This will help them to increase their knowledge bank about your products. There are few steps through which you can help in maintaining your online presence. The steps are as follows:
  • It is not necessary to spend the whole day on the internet to increase the traffic and popularity of your website. You can spend about two hours, but expend that time period for a genuine and creative work for your website. You can weave the data and pictures in your website to make people understand about your product/services.
  • How to use pinterest to grow your online presence is now-a-days not all a tough nut to crack. Write something simple in your board and pin them. The CEO or MD of the company may write very easily and they can talk that how they have reached to this stage. Sharing experiences is one of the good ways to increase the pinterest followers. It works as a success story for others.
  • Log in to your website every day to keep a record on the numbers of pinterest followers. That’s why balance your physical and online presence.
  • You can also increase your presence in other social networking sites. Other social networking sites will help you in increasing your presence and thus you can easily pin information in your website.
  • Always consider about your product/service. You need to be sure the demographic profile otherwise you may lose your customers. In this way you can enhance your fan club and can also increase the numbers of potential customers.
  • For how to use pinterest to grow your online presence, you need to pin any of the themes or information or pictures in your sit every day. The interest of the site visitors will be maintained.
  • Through your pinteresting site you can follow you competitors also. This will help you in understanding the strategy of your competitors and will help in maintaining a healthy competition in the market.
  • Merge your pinterest billboard with the social networking sites’ accounts. People will visit your site and will gather knowledge.
  • You can also inform your customers about the process of online shopping. Now-a-days, people don’t have much time and they want to avail the facilities of online shopping and it will help to receive their product at home.
These days, how to use pinterest to grow your online presence is not at all a big challenge. It totally depends on you that how you are maintaining it according to your products and services. So increase pinterest followers and expand your business as soon as possible.


  1. Thanks for the information! I have used pinterest on my site and the outcome was good, its SERP jumped from #112 to #3 in 2 weeks time.

    The key is we must got our website pinned and repinned by many people, which is the hardest part. Most of pinterest users won't doing repin when they aren't like what we pinned.

    I do simple thing to outsource it on fiverr and got my site pinned by 75 people, I don't know how can he did it just search by typing pinterest on fiverr and you will find it on the TOP. Many other seller offer pinterest service on fiverr but in my experience they can't make my website increase in SEO. I don't know why.

    Avantages of Pinterest for SEO:
    1. Once our website pinned it has backlinks counts.
    2. You need to ping the links of your pins to the to get your website increase in SEO.
    3. Even though Pinterest does not support anchor text (except the url link), it's still perfect for placing our keywords in description.

  2. It's a great post that has everything to describe in it.


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