Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How to Prepare For a Good Job Interview

Finally, the company you applied for called and scheduled you for an interview. You are thrilled that you have been considered for the position. Now, the only thing that you have to worry about is how to make a lasting impression during the interview.

A job interview is probably one of the most nerve racking experience especially for first timers. But here are some key points to help you prepare for that interview.

1. Research about the companyIt is always a plus if you know a lot about the company. This will give the interviewer an impression that you are really interested to work for them. It will also be easier for you to answer some questions like why you want to work for the company. You can link some of your answers to their company's goal as well.

2. Prepare your answers to possible questions and practice it
The more you practice them, the more confident you will become. This will also make you feel at ease when you finally talk to the interviewer. Prepare some questions of your own. Most of the time, interviewers will appreciate any clarification from you.

3. Make sure that you dress appropriately and look presentable

The way you present yourself during an interview says a lot about who you are. So make sure that you are dress for it. Use professional hair straighteners to make sure your hair looks neat. Don't smoke or eat anything that will have a lingering scent in your mouth and never chew gum during the interview.

4. Arrive earlier than the set time

This will give you a chance to polish yourself and relax. You will also have a time to review your curriculum vitae. And you should keep in mind that interviewers don't like waiting. They will definitely notice it when you are late and that will not contribute any good on their recommendation.

5. Send a thank you letter

This will reinforce your interest on the position. Indicate in the letter your appreciation for giving you the chance to be interviewed. You can also add in a polite way that you have the competent skills for the position. If you are interviewed by different people, send one for each of them. They will surely appreciate your effort.

A job interview is always a challenge
There are a lot of things you have to consider and prepare since most of the decisions made by the interviewers are based on their impression of you. In order to ace an interview, you have to be ready for it. Start by finding out whatever you can about the company. This will help you formulate answers to possible questions. You also have to prepare physically. Professional hair straighteners ensure that your hair is tidy. Your attire should also be fitting to the occasion. But all these effort will be pointless if you are late, so make sure you arrive early. And lastly, send them a thank you letter after the interview. This is the best way to show them your appreciation for their time.

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