Monday, May 2, 2011

Workplace Ego

Before going further into the article, let me give you a brief idea about ego. According to Freud, ego is a part of out personality that meditates the demands of id and reality. Ego prevents us from acting in a normal manner and is generally considered as the root cause of sour relationships and work place arguments or hassles. An egoistic person generally creates negative energy at home and in the work place as well.

Many of us come across people in work places and other areas who carry a lot of air about them. Now, the basic problem arises out of dealing with such people and handling the issues related to them. First you need to recognize where areas of disagreements or non-performance are appearing. By simple observation, you will find out that a particular person is dominating the complete section.

The egoistic people generally tend to mock at others, outright decisions of the majority and try to impose their opinion in every matter. Because these egotists possess a certain anal personality, they summarily reject people who are often valuable assets to any company. You may find them repeatedly undermining your performance and putting unjustified allegations on you. You might find them saying, "Excuse me, this isn't the proper venue, protocol, or the way things are done here."

You can deal with such people by going for a counseling session or discussing your problem with your senior or boss. Probably your colleagues might also be facing the same kind of problem, so it would be good to discuss these issues with them. They may tell you of some good ways to handle such persons. But the best approach to this is not to hire this type of personality at all. This takes an excellent set of skills in the interviewing process to ferret out the traits signaling a controlling egotist.

An egoist generally hampers the environment and one should take proper steps to ensure that such kind of persons is not hired!

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